Transaction #1492

Hash 3b3dc12b535c4027c9dd483225253ded937aba72c381e253f9cb1292f2532bf7
Status Failed
Error Message TypeError("__init__() got multiple values for argument 'contract'",)
Timestamp 414 days ago - 3/18/2023, 2:19:20 PM UTC+0
Block 1492
Stamps Used 6
Burned Fee 0.00035503 TAU
From ff61544ea94eaaeb5df08ed863c4a938e9129aba6ceee5f31b6681bdede11b89 
Contract Name submission
Function Name submit_contract

Additional Info
Nonce 26
Processor e79133b02cd2a84e2ce5d24b2f44433f61f0db7e10acedfc241e94dff06f710a
Signature 9bebd391da09e944f2017149ed7ed0371f0329973bfc6d8203d3092c2433571b7db30e17bfb2ac15deaf1ad50bab226fbdca3d6758a3d981bd6dba0ff81ce905
Stamps Supplied 6533
Stamps per TAU 169


code @construct def seed(): # Get the current execution context ctx = {'_state': {}, '_sender': 'sender_address', '_source': 'source_contract_name', '_now': 1234567890} # Create a Hash object for the contract you want to interact with other_contract_hash = Hash('currency') # Get the driver for the other contract driver = other_contract_hash.driver return driver @export def get(contract_name: str, amount: float, recipient: str): pass
name con_new_contract312

State Changes

Contract currency
Variable balances
Key ff61544ea94eaaeb5df08ed863c4a938e9129aba6ceee5f31b6681bdede11b89
New Value 110203.90769212230770730