Contract con_nft_marketplace_v9

Contract Code

1 I = importlib
2 allowed_currency = Variable()
3 operator = Variable()
4 market = Hash(default_value=0)
5 auctions = Hash(default_value=0)
6 treasury = Variable()
7 royalty_receivers = Hash(default_value=False)
8 old_market_version = ForeignHash(foreign_contract="con_nft_marketplace_v4", foreign_name="market")
10 forced_collection_interface = [I.Func('transfer', args=('name', 'amount', 'to')), I.Func(
11 'approve', args=('amount', 'name', 'to')), I.Func('transfer_from', args=(
12 'name', 'amount', 'to', 'main_account'))]
15 @construct
16 def seed():
17 allowed_currency.set("currency")
18 operator.set("ff61544ea94eaaeb5df08ed863c4a938e9129aba6ceee5f31b6681bdede11b89")
19 treasury.set("ff61544ea94eaaeb5df08ed863c4a938e9129aba6ceee5f31b6681bdede11b89")
22 @export
23 def sell_nft(name_of_nft: str, collection_contract: str, amount: int, currency_price: float, royalty_percentage: float):
24 assert name_of_nft != "", "Name cannot be empty"
25 assert collection_contract != "", "Collection contract cannot be empty"
26 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot sell negative NFT amount'
27 assert currency_price > 0, 'Cannot sell for negative balances!'
28 collection = I.import_module(collection_contract)
29 assert I.enforce_interface(collection, forced_collection_interface
30 ), 'Invalid collection interface!'
31 collection.transfer_from(name=name_of_nft, amount=amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
33 listing_unique_id = block_num # block_num is a global enviroment variable that is the current block number
34 for i in range(amount):
35 market[ctx.caller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, listing_unique_id + i] = {"amount": 1, "price": currency_price}
37 if royalty_receivers[collection_contract, name_of_nft] == False:
38 if(royalty_percentage == None):
39 royalty_percentage = 0.0
40 assert royalty_percentage <= 50, "Over 50% royalty is not allowed"
41 assert royalty_percentage >= 0, "Under 0% royalty is not allowed"
42 royalty_receivers[collection_contract, name_of_nft] = {"receiver": ctx.caller, "royalty_percentage": royalty_percentage}
44 return f"Successfully listed {amount} {name_of_nft} for {currency_price}"
47 @export
48 def refund_nft(name_of_nft: str, collection_contract: str, listing_id: int, version:int=5):
49 if(version == 4):
50 old_marketplace = I.import_module("con_nft_marketplace_v4")
51 old_marketplace.refund_nft(name_of_nft=name_of_nft, collection_contract=collection_contract)
52 return f"Successfully refunded {name_of_nft}"
54 assert name_of_nft != "", "Name cannot be empty"
55 assert collection_contract != "", "Collection contract cannot be empty"
56 assert listing_id != "", "Listing ID cannot be empty"
57 market_entry = market[ctx.caller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, listing_id]
58 collection = I.import_module(collection_contract)
59 collection.transfer(name=name_of_nft, amount=market_entry["amount"], to=ctx.caller)
60 market[ctx.caller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, listing_id] = {"amount":0, "price":market_entry["price"]}
62 return f"Successfully refunded {name_of_nft}"
65 @export
66 def buy_nft(name: str, collection_contract: str, seller: str, listing_id:int, version:int=5):
67 if(version == 4):
68 old_marketplace = I.import_module("con_nft_marketplace_v4")
69 old_marketplace.refund_nft(name=name, collection_contract=collection_contract, seller=seller, amount=1)
70 return f"Successfully bought {name}"
72 assert name != "", "Name cannot be empty"
73 assert collection_contract != "", "Collection contract cannot be empty"
74 assert seller != "", "Seller cannot be empty"
75 assert listing_id != "", "Listing ID cannot be empty"
76 collection = I.import_module(collection_contract)
77 currency = I.import_module(allowed_currency.get())
78 assert I.enforce_interface(collection, forced_collection_interface
79 ), 'Invalid collection interface!'
80 fee = ((market[seller, collection_contract, name, listing_id]["price"])/100*2)
81 royalty = ((market[seller, collection_contract, name, listing_id]["price"])/100*royalty_receivers[collection_contract, name]["royalty_percentage"])
82 currency.transfer_from(amount=(market[seller, collection_contract, name, listing_id]["price"]) - fee - royalty, to=seller, main_account=ctx.caller)
83 currency.transfer_from(amount=fee, to=treasury.get(), main_account=ctx.caller)
85 if royalty > 0:
86 currency.transfer_from(amount=royalty, to=royalty_receivers[collection_contract, name]["receiver"], main_account=ctx.caller)
88 old_market_entry = market[seller, collection_contract, name, listing_id]
89 market[seller, collection_contract, name, listing_id] = {"amount": 0, "price": old_market_entry["price"]}
90 collection.transfer(name=name, amount=1, to=ctx.caller)
92 return f"Successfully bought {name}"
94 @export
95 def setup_auction(name_of_nft: str, collection_contract: str, start_currency_price: float, future_royalty_percentage: float, auction_start: datetime.datetime, auction_end: datetime.datetime):
96 assert name_of_nft != "", "Name cannot be empty"
97 assert collection_contract != "", "Collection contract cannot be empty"
98 assert start_currency_price > 0, 'Cannot auction for negative balances!'
99 assert future_royalty_percentage <= 50, "Over 50% royalty is not allowed"
100 assert future_royalty_percentage >= 0, "Under 0% royalty is not allowed"
101 assert auction_start > now, 'Auction cannot start in the past!'
102 assert auction_end > auction_start, 'Auction cannot end before it starts!'
103 assert auction_end < auction_start + datetime.timedelta(days=30), 'Auction cannot last longer than 30 days!'
104 assert auction_start < auction_end - datetime.timedelta(days=1), 'Auction cannot start and end on the same day!'
106 collection = I.import_module(collection_contract)
107 assert I.enforce_interface(collection, forced_collection_interface
108 ), 'Invalid collection interface!'
109 collection.transfer_from(name=name_of_nft, amount=1, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
111 listing_unique_id = block_num # block_num is a global enviroment variable that is the current block number
112 auctions[ctx.caller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, listing_unique_id] = {"current_bid": start_currency_price, "current_highest_bidder": None, "future_royalty_percentage": future_royalty_percentage, "auction_start": auction_start, "auction_end": auction_end}
114 @export
115 def bid_auction(seller: str, name_of_nft: str, collection_contract: str, auction_id: int, bid: float):
116 assert name_of_nft != "", "Name cannot be empty"
117 assert collection_contract != "", "Collection contract cannot be empty"
118 assert seller != "", "Seller cannot be empty"
119 assert auction_id != "", "Auction ID cannot be empty"
120 assert bid > 0, "Bid must be higher than 0"
122 auction = auctions[seller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, auction_id]
123 assert now > auction["auction_start"], "Auction has not started yet"
124 assert now < auction["auction_end"], "Auction has ended"
126 highest_bid = auction["current_bid"]
127 highest_bidder = auction["current_highest_bidder"]
128 assert bid > highest_bid, "Bid must be higher than the current highest bid"
129 assert highest_bidder != ctx.caller, "You are already the highest bidder"
131 currency.transfer_from(amount=bid, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
132 auction['current_bid'] = bid
133 auction['current_highest_bidder'] = ctx.caller
134 auctions[seller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, auction_id] = auction
136 return f"Successfully bid {bid} on {name_of_nft}"
138 @export
139 def cancel_auction(seller: str, name_of_nft: str, collection_contract: str, auction_id: int):
140 assert name_of_nft != "", "Name cannot be empty"
141 assert collection_contract != "", "Collection contract cannot be empty"
142 assert seller != "", "Seller cannot be empty"
143 assert auction_id != "", "Auction ID cannot be empty"
145 auction = auctions[seller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, auction_id]
146 assert auction != 0, "Auction does not exist"
147 assert now < auction["auction_start"], "Auction has already started"
148 assert ctx.caller == seller, "Only the seller can cancel the auction"
150 currency.transfer(amount=auction["current_bid"], to=auction["current_highest_bidder"], main_account=ctx.this)
151 collection = I.import_module(collection_contract)
152 collection.transfer(name=name_of_nft, amount=1, to=ctx.caller)
154 auctions[seller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, auction_id] = 0
156 return f"Successfully cancelled Auction for {name_of_nft}"
158 @export
159 def finalize_auction(seller: str, name_of_nft: str, collection_contract: str, auction_id: int):
160 assert name_of_nft != "", "Name cannot be empty"
161 assert collection_contract != "", "Collection contract cannot be empty"
162 assert seller != "", "Seller cannot be empty"
163 assert auction_id != "", "Auction ID cannot be empty"
165 auction = auctions[seller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, auction_id]
166 assert auction != 0, "Auction does not exist"
167 assert now > auction["auction_end"], "Auction has not ended yet"
169 currency.transfer(amount=auction["current_bid"], to=seller, main_account=ctx.this)
170 collection = I.import_module(collection_contract)
171 collection.transfer(name=name_of_nft, amount=1, to=auction["current_highest_bidder"])
173 auctions[seller, collection_contract, name_of_nft, auction_id] = 0
174 royalty_receivers[collection_contract, name_of_nft] = {"receiver": seller, "percentage": auction["future_royalty_percentage"]}
176 return f"Successfully finalized Auction for {name_of_nft}"
179 @export
180 def change_allowed_currency(contract: str):
181 assert ctx.caller == operator.get(), "Only the operator can do this"
182 allowed_currency.set(contract)
184 @export
185 def change_treasury(address: str):
186 assert ctx.caller == operator.get(), "Only the operator can do this"
187 treasury.set(address)
189 @export
190 def change_operator(address: str):
191 assert ctx.caller == operator.get(), "Only the operator can do this"
192 operator.set(address)

Byte Code
