Contract con_dex_v2_2

Contract Code

1 I = importlib
3 v1_state = ForeignHash(
4 foreign_contract="con_rocketswap_official_v1_1", foreign_name="state"
5 )
6 v1_discount = ForeignHash(
7 foreign_contract="con_rocketswap_official_v1_1", foreign_name="discount"
8 )
10 token_interface = [
11 I.Func("transfer", args=("amount", "to")),
12 I.Func("approve", args=("amount", "to")),
13 I.Func("transfer_from", args=("amount", "to", "main_account")),
14 ]
16 base = Variable()
17 pairs = Hash()
18 prices = Hash()
19 lp_points = Hash()
20 reserves = Hash(default_value=[0, 0])
21 state = Hash()
24 @construct
25 def init(base_contract: str):
26 base.set(base_contract)
27 state["OWNER"] = ctx.caller
30 @export
31 def create_market(contract: str, base_amount: float = 0, token_amount: float = 0):
32 assert contract != base.get(), "Cannot create a market for the base token!"
33 assert pairs[contract] is None, "Market already exists!"
34 assert contract != v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"
35 ], "Only operatorcan create this market!"
36 assert base_amount > 0 and token_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount and token amount!"
38 base_token = I.import_module(base.get())
39 token = I.import_module(contract)
40 assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
41 assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
43 real_base_amount = balance_difference(
44 base_token, contract=base.get(), amount=base_amount
45 )
47 real_token_amount = balance_difference(
48 token, contract=contract, amount=token_amount
49 )
51 prices[contract] = real_base_amount / real_token_amount
52 pairs[contract] = True
53 lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] = 100
54 lp_points[contract] = 100
55 reserves[contract] = [real_base_amount, real_token_amount]
56 return True
59 @export
60 def liquidity_balance_of(contract: str, account: str):
61 return lp_points[contract, account]
64 @export
65 def add_liquidity(contract: str, base_amount: float = 0):
66 assert pairs[contract] is True, "Market does not exist!"
67 assert base_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount!"
68 base_token = I.import_module(base.get())
69 token = I.import_module(contract)
70 assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
71 assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
73 token_amount = base_amount / prices[contract]
75 real_base_amount = balance_difference(
76 base_token, contract=base.get(), amount=base_amount
77 )
79 real_token_amount = balance_difference(
80 token, contract=contract, amount=token_amount
81 )
83 total_lp_points = lp_points[contract]
84 base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract]
85 points_per_base = total_lp_points / base_reserve
86 lp_to_mint = points_per_base * real_base_amount
87 lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] += lp_to_mint
88 lp_points[contract] += lp_to_mint
89 reserves[contract] = [
90 base_reserve + real_base_amount,
91 token_reserve + real_token_amount,
92 ]
93 return lp_to_mint
96 @export
97 def remove_liquidity(contract: str, amount: float = 0):
98 assert pairs[contract] is True, "Market does not exist!"
99 assert amount > 0, "Must be a positive LP point amount!"
100 assert lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] >= amount, "Not enough LP points to remove!"
101 base_token = I.import_module(base.get())
102 token = I.import_module(contract)
103 assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
104 assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
105 lp_percentage = amount / lp_points[contract]
106 base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract]
107 base_amount = base_reserve * lp_percentage
108 token_amount = token_reserve * lp_percentage
109 base_token.transfer(to=ctx.caller, amount=base_amount)
110 token.transfer(to=ctx.caller, amount=token_amount)
111 lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] -= amount
112 lp_points[contract] -= amount
113 assert lp_points[contract] > 1, "Not enough remaining liquidity!"
114 new_base_reserve = base_reserve - base_amount
115 new_token_reserve = token_reserve - token_amount
116 assert new_base_reserve > 0 and new_token_reserve > 0, "Not enough remaining liquidity!"
117 reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve]
118 return base_amount, token_amount
121 @export
122 def transfer_liquidity(contract: str, to: str, amount: float):
123 assert amount > 0, "Must be a positive LP point amount!"
124 assert lp_points[contract, ctx.caller
125 ] >= amount, "Not enough LP points to transfer!"
126 lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] -= amount
127 lp_points[contract, to] += amount
130 # @export
131 # def approve_liquidity(
132 # contract: str, to: str, amount: float, ctx_to_signer: bool = False
133 # ):
134 # assert amount > 0, "Cannot send negative balances!"
135 # if ctx_to_signer is True:
136 # lp_points[contract, ctx.signer, to] += amount
137 # else:
138 # lp_points[contract, ctx.caller, to] += amount
140 @export
141 def approve_liquidity(contract: str, to: str, amount: float):
142 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!'
143 lp_points[contract, ctx.caller, to] += amount
146 @export
147 def transfer_liquidity_from(contract: str, to: str, main_account: str, amount: float):
148 assert amount > 0, "Cannot send negative balances!"
149 assert lp_points[contract, main_account, ctx.caller
150 ] >= amount, "Not enough coins approved to send! You have {} and are trying to spend {}".format(
151 lp_points[main_account, ctx.caller], amount)
152 assert lp_points[contract, main_account] >= amount, "Not enough coins to send!"
153 lp_points[contract, main_account, ctx.caller] -= amount
154 lp_points[contract, main_account] -= amount
155 lp_points[contract, to] += amount
158 @export
159 def buy(
160 contract: str,
161 base_amount: float,
162 minimum_received: float = 0,
163 token_fees: bool = False,
164 ):
165 assert pairs[contract] is True, "Market does not exist!"
166 assert base_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount!"
167 base_token = I.import_module(base.get())
168 token = I.import_module(contract)
169 amm_token = I.import_module(v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"])
170 assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
171 assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
173 if contract == v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]:
174 real_base_amount = balance_difference(
175 base_token, contract=base.get(), amount=base_amount
176 )
178 tokens_purchased = internal_buy(
179 contract=v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], base_amount=real_base_amount
180 )
182 token.transfer(amount=tokens_purchased, to=ctx.caller)
183 return tokens_purchased
185 real_base_amount = balance_difference(
186 base_token, contract=base.get(), amount=base_amount
187 )
189 base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract]
190 k = base_reserve * token_reserve
191 new_base_reserve = base_reserve + real_base_amount
192 new_token_reserve = k / new_base_reserve
193 tokens_purchased = token_reserve - new_token_reserve
194 fee_percent = v1_state["FEE_PERCENTAGE"] * v1_discount[ctx.caller]
195 fee = tokens_purchased * fee_percent
197 if token_fees is True:
198 fee = fee * v1_state["TOKEN_DISCOUNT"]
199 rswp_k = base_reserve * token_reserve
200 rswp_new_token_reserve = token_reserve + fee
201 rswp_new_base_reserve = rswp_k / rswp_new_token_reserve
202 rswp_base_purchased = base_reserve - rswp_new_base_reserve
203 rswp_base_purchased += rswp_base_purchased * fee_percent
204 rswp_base_reserve_2, rswp_token_reserve_2 = reserves[v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]]
205 rswp_k_2 = rswp_base_reserve_2 * rswp_token_reserve_2
206 rswp_new_base_reserve_2 = rswp_base_reserve_2 + rswp_base_purchased
207 rswp_new_base_reserve_2 += rswp_base_purchased * fee_percent
208 rswp_new_token_reserve_2 = rswp_k_2 / rswp_new_base_reserve_2
209 sell_amount = rswp_token_reserve_2 - rswp_new_token_reserve_2
210 sell_amount_with_fee = sell_amount * v1_state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"]
211 amm_token.transfer_from(
212 amount=sell_amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller
213 )
214 base_received = internal_sell(
215 contract=v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], token_amount=sell_amount_with_fee
216 )
217 amm_token.transfer(
218 amount=sell_amount - sell_amount_with_fee, to=v1_state["BURN_ADDRESS"]
219 )
220 token_received = internal_buy(contract=contract, base_amount=base_received)
222 new_base_reserve += (
223 reserves[contract][0] - base_reserve
224 )
225 new_token_reserve += (
226 reserves[contract][1] - token_reserve
227 )
228 new_token_reserve = new_token_reserve + token_received
229 else:
230 tokens_purchased = tokens_purchased - fee
231 burn_amount = internal_buy(
232 contract=v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"],
233 base_amount=internal_sell(
234 contract=contract, token_amount=fee - fee * v1_state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"]
235 ),
236 )
237 new_base_reserve += reserves[contract][0] - base_reserve
238 new_token_reserve += reserves[contract][1] - token_reserve
239 new_token_reserve = new_token_reserve + fee * v1_state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"]
240 amm_token.transfer(amount=burn_amount, to=v1_state["BURN_ADDRESS"])
242 if minimum_received != None:
243 assert tokens_purchased >= minimum_received, "Only {} tokens can be purchased, which is less than your minimum, which is {} tokens.".format(
244 tokens_purchased, minimum_received)
245 assert tokens_purchased > 0, "Token reserve error!"
247 token.transfer(amount=tokens_purchased, to=ctx.caller)
248 reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve]
249 prices[contract] = new_base_reserve / new_token_reserve
250 return tokens_purchased
253 @export
254 def sell(
255 contract: str,
256 token_amount: float,
257 minimum_received: float = 0,
258 token_fees: bool = False,
259 ):
260 assert pairs[contract] is True, "Market does not exist!"
261 assert token_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount and token amount!"
262 base_token = I.import_module(base.get())
263 token = I.import_module(contract)
264 amm_token = I.import_module(v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"])
265 assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
266 assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
268 if contract == v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]:
269 real_token_amount = balance_difference(
270 token, contract=contract, amount=token_amount
271 )
273 base_purchased = internal_sell(
274 contract=v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], token_amount=real_token_amount
275 )
276 base_token.transfer(amount=base_purchased, to=ctx.caller)
277 return base_purchased
279 real_token_amount = balance_difference(
280 token, contract=contract, amount=token_amount
281 )
283 base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract]
284 k = base_reserve * token_reserve
285 new_token_reserve = token_reserve + real_token_amount
286 new_base_reserve = k / new_token_reserve
287 base_purchased = base_reserve - new_base_reserve
288 fee_percent = v1_state["FEE_PERCENTAGE"] * v1_discount[ctx.caller]
289 fee = base_purchased * fee_percent
290 if token_fees is True:
291 fee = fee * v1_state["TOKEN_DISCOUNT"]
292 rswp_base_reserve, rswp_token_reserve = reserves[v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]]
293 rswp_k = rswp_base_reserve * rswp_token_reserve
294 rswp_new_base_reserve = rswp_base_reserve + fee
295 rswp_new_base_reserve += fee * fee_percent
296 rswp_new_token_reserve = rswp_k / rswp_new_base_reserve
297 sell_amount = rswp_token_reserve - rswp_new_token_reserve
298 sell_amount_with_fee = sell_amount * v1_state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"]
299 amm_token.transfer_from(
300 amount=sell_amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller
301 )
302 base_received = internal_sell(
303 contract=v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], token_amount=sell_amount_with_fee
304 )
305 amm_token.transfer(
306 amount=sell_amount - sell_amount_with_fee, to=v1_state["BURN_ADDRESS"]
307 )
308 new_base_reserve = new_base_reserve + base_received
309 else:
310 base_purchased = base_purchased - fee
311 burn_amount = fee - fee * v1_state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"]
312 new_base_reserve = new_base_reserve + fee * v1_state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"]
313 token_received = internal_buy(
314 contract=v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], base_amount=burn_amount
315 )
316 amm_token.transfer(amount=token_received, to=v1_state["BURN_ADDRESS"])
317 if minimum_received != None:
318 assert base_purchased >= minimum_received, "Only {} TAU can be purchased, which is less than your minimum, which is {} TAU.".format(
319 base_purchased, minimum_received)
320 assert base_purchased > 0, "Token reserve error!"
322 base_token.transfer(amount=base_purchased, to=ctx.caller)
323 reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve]
324 prices[contract] = new_base_reserve / new_token_reserve
325 return base_purchased
328 @export
329 def create_rswp_market(base_amount: float = 0, token_amount: float = 0):
330 assert ctx.caller == state["OWNER"], "Only owner can call this method!"
331 assert pairs[v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] is None, "Market already exists!"
332 assert base_amount > 0 and token_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount and token amount!"
334 base_token = I.import_module(base.get())
335 amm_token = I.import_module(v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"])
336 assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
337 base_token.transfer_from(amount=base_amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
338 amm_token.transfer_from(amount=token_amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
339 prices[v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] = base_amount / token_amount
340 pairs[v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] = True
341 lp_points[v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], ctx.caller] = 100
342 lp_points[v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] = 100
343 reserves[v1_state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] = [base_amount, token_amount]
344 return True
347 @export
348 def sync_reserves(contract: str):
349 assert v1_state["SYNC_ENABLED"] is True, "Sync is not enabled!"
351 token_balance = ForeignHash(foreign_contract=contract, foreign_name="balances")
352 new_balance = token_balance[ctx.this]
353 assert new_balance > 0, "Cannot be a negative balance!"
354 reserves[contract][1] = new_balance
355 return new_balance
358 def balance_difference(token, contract: str, amount: float):
359 token_balance = ForeignHash(foreign_contract=contract, foreign_name="balances")
361 v2_balance_1 = token_balance[ctx.this]
363 token.transfer_from(amount=amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
365 v2_balance_2 = token_balance[ctx.this]
367 real_amount = v2_balance_2 - v2_balance_1
369 return real_amount
372 def internal_buy(contract: str, base_amount: float):
373 assert pairs[contract] is True, "RSWP Market does not exist!"
374 if base_amount <= 0:
375 return 0
376 token = I.import_module(contract)
377 assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
379 base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract]
380 k = base_reserve * token_reserve
381 new_base_reserve = base_reserve + base_amount
382 new_token_reserve = k / new_base_reserve
383 tokens_purchased = token_reserve - new_token_reserve
384 fee = tokens_purchased * v1_state["FEE_PERCENTAGE"]
385 tokens_purchased -= fee
386 new_token_reserve += fee
387 assert tokens_purchased > 0, "Token reserve error!"
388 reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve]
389 prices[contract] = new_base_reserve / new_token_reserve
390 return tokens_purchased
393 def internal_sell(contract: str, token_amount: float):
394 assert pairs[contract] is True, "RSWP Market does not exist!"
395 if token_amount <= 0:
396 return 0
397 token = I.import_module(contract)
398 assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!"
399 base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract]
400 k = base_reserve * token_reserve
401 new_token_reserve = token_reserve + token_amount
402 new_base_reserve = k / new_token_reserve
403 base_purchased = base_reserve - new_base_reserve
404 fee = base_purchased * v1_state["FEE_PERCENTAGE"]
405 base_purchased -= fee
406 new_base_reserve += fee
407 assert base_purchased > 0, "Token reserve error!"
408 reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve]
409 prices[contract] = new_base_reserve / new_token_reserve
410 return base_purchased

Byte Code
