Contract con_collection

Contract Code

1 I = importlib
2 collection_name = Variable()
3 collection_owner = Variable()
4 collection_nfts = Hash(default_value=0)
5 collection_balances = Hash(default_value=0)
6 collection_balances_approvals = Hash(default_value=0)
7 @construct
8 def seed():
9 collection_name.set("dasdasdad")
10 collection_owner.set(ctx.caller)
11 @export
12 def mint_nft(name: str, description: str, ipfs_image_url: str, metadata: dict, amount: int):
13 assert name != "", "Name cannot be empty"
14 assert collection_nfts[name] == 0, "Name already exists"
15 assert amount > 0, "You cannot transfer negative amounts"
16 assert collection_owner.get() == ctx.caller or ctx.caller == "con_nftdrop", "Only the collection owner can mint NFTs"
17 collection_nfts[name] = {"description": description, "ipfs_image_url": ipfs_image_url, "metadata": metadata, "amount": amount}
18 collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] = amount
19 @export
20 def transfer(name: str, amount:int, to: str):
21 assert amount > 0, "You cannot transfer negative amounts"
22 assert name != "", "Please specify the name of the NFT you want to transfer"
23 assert collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] >= amount, "You dont have enough NFTs to send"
24 collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] -= amount
25 collection_balances[to, name] += amount # Adds amount to receiver
26 @export
27 def approve(amount: int, name: str, to: str):
28 assert amount > 0, "Cannot approve negative amounts"
29 collection_balances_approvals[ctx.caller, to, name] += amount
30 @export
31 def transfer_from(name:str, amount:int, to: str, main_account: str):
32 assert amount > 0, "Cannot send negative balances!"
33 assert collection_balances_approvals[main_account, to, name] >= amount, "Not enough NFTs approved to send! You have {} and are trying to spend {}".format(collection_balances_approvals[main_account, to, name], amount)
34 assert collection_balances[main_account, name] >= amount, "Not enough NFTs to send!"
35 collection_balances_approvals[main_account, to, name] -= amount
36 collection_balances[main_account, name] -= amount
37 collection_balances[to, name] += amount
38 @export
39 def setup_redeem(name: str, redeem_type: str, redeem_contract: str, redeem_amount: float):
40 assert collection_owner.get() == ctx.caller, "You are not the collection creator"
41 assert collection_nfts[name] != 0, f"NFT {name} doesnt exist"
42 assert redeem_type.lower() in ["lp", "token"], "Only redeem types lp and token supported"
43 nft_data = collection_nfts[name]
44 assert "redeem_type" not in nft_data, "NFT is already redeemable!"
45 nft_data["redeem_type"] = redeem_type.lower()
46 nft_data["redeem_contract"] = redeem_contract
47 nft_data["redeem_amount"] = redeem_amount
48 collection_nfts[name] = nft_data
49 # Transfer token
50 if redeem_type.lower() == "token":
51 I.import_module(redeem_contract).transfer_from(
52 amount=redeem_amount,
53 to=ctx.this,
54 main_account=ctx.caller)
56 # Transfer LP
57 elif redeem_type.lower() == "lp":
58 I.import_module("con_rocketswap_official_v1_1").transfer_liquidity_from(
59 contract=redeem_contract,
60 amount=redeem_amount,
61 to=ctx.this,
62 main_account=ctx.caller)
63 @export
64 def redeem(name: str):
65 assert collection_nfts[name] != 0, f"NFT {name} doesnt exist"
66 nft_data = collection_nfts[name]
67 assert "redeem_type" in nft_data, "NFT is not redeemable!"
68 # Get redeem amount for one NFT
69 redeem_amount = nft_data["redeem_amount"]
70 nft_amount = nft_data["amount"]
71 amount = redeem_amount / nft_amount
72 # Transfer redeemable amount
73 if nft_data["redeem_type"].lower() == "token":
74 I.import_module(nft_data["redeem_contract"]).transfer(amount=amount, to=ctx.caller)
75 elif nft_data["redeem_type"].lower() == "lp":
76 I.import_module("con_rocketswap_official_v1_1").transfer_liquidity(contract=nft_data["redeem_contract"], amount=amount, to=ctx.caller)
77 # Burn NFT
78 approve(name=name, amount=1, to=ctx.this)
79 transfer_from(name=name, amount=1, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)

Byte Code
